“A Hint of
the Barrel”
– 18 January 2012
What goes into death?
Everything but breath:
Every bone and oil,
Every muscled coil,
Every tendon drawn,
Every fusion bond
On every jigsaw plate
Of every skully crate
Around every liquid crib
Over every neural web,
and every rounding rib
(affixed, to flow and ebb
with every sudden start
and quiver of the heart),
and every bend of skin,
and every cilium-pin,
and every hairy trail,
and every milky nail
that crowns a finger tip
or caps a calloused toe,
and every pit and bow
of every limb and lip
and ridge and flap and dip
that used to send a spark
back inward to the dark
through trellised ganglia
to something – less of a
part in us beasts than air –
left traceless in the stare
of eyes death came to find.
Does it ever taste the mind?
Online Dating – Poems of the Week:
(16 April 2012)
"Red Flags"
Her profile says, "I believe in
In the face of adversity" -
Which means she thinks that her life is
and cruel consistently.
And if I said back, "You're fine,"
she'd think,
(he doesn't know my pain).
For admitting, somewhere, her world is
Means her paradigm's in vain.
(30 April 2012)
"At the Other End"
Roommate broke up with his girlfriend yesterday,
Went into his room and started to play
"Chariot," like now he had the time to be
Here with his musicality.
But he'd played that song so many times before
He met her, and it had always sounded more
Half-lunged than it did as he howled it now:
"Oh Chariot, I'm singing out loud..."
He comes home, every day now, tells me about
His life: how it's good, unhitched, “No doubt,”
He says, “it was the right move,” but –
Still, sings: "Give me your strength, Oh chariot."
Roommate broke up with his girlfriend yesterday,
Went into his room and started to play
"Chariot," like now he had the time to be
Here with his musicality.
But he'd played that song so many times before
He met her, and it had always sounded more
Half-lunged than it did as he howled it now:
"Oh Chariot, I'm singing out loud..."
He comes home, every day now, tells me about
His life: how it's good, unhitched, “No doubt,”
He says, “it was the right move,” but –
Still, sings: "Give me your strength, Oh chariot."
(7 May 2012)
I always drive at the speed that the
And I never complain unless someone
is doing things wrong.
I've never been dumped
(if I was – she was wrong for me).
And I'll always make sense,
provided you can follow along.
I'm sensitive, and clever, and a man –
a manly man – so
I'll tell you to "buck up"
when you need
a shoulder to pour on.
And that's what any sensible woman
would want. No?
You're totally gonna love me,
unless you're a moron.
I don't understand why more girls
don't write back to me
When I tell them that I'm so awesome
and then say "U so hot."
Am I hidden, like a god, by my
Or do they see (much more than me)
all the things that I am not?
(a song)
– 11 March 2012
You're gonna die some day.
That link will break away.
So while you're down on the ground,
here …
Hold someone.
My one-trick dog knows “stay” –
Quivers in his house for days.
But if I sit on the lawn, humming
softly …
He'll come out and play.
The girl downtown thinks coffee makes
& swallows her food whole when she
But when she sits by the pier watching
ships crawl, …
Her breath starts to unwind.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
The booth boy at the carnival goes
To the gym each night and sweats
through his clothes
dreaming all that cotton candy melts
away from him …
As he grabs that bar and rows.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
She ignores it as the sun falls, but
The Ferris wheel's too bright not to
So he hands her a ticket, “Angels
free.” She thinks …
(nice arms). My God, amen.
You're gonna die some day.
That link will break away.
So while you're down on the ground,
here …
Hold someone – hold someone.
(Maurice Sendak spur)
– 8 May 2012
Found it.
In the kitchen, like
It was supposed to be –
But mother said that
Such things meant aches for me.
Still I
Couldn't help but touch
The leaf or spider or –
Ink stain,
Small and beautiful.
I knew what it was for.
Even food, they say.
For all joys are born to –
fading, scattering,
Tickling young boys' tongues(
You do).
JK's most commonly used Principles:
– 23 May 2012
See a need; fill a need.
Leave it as good as you
found it.
(Everything else is extra
But if you move a piece of trash, consider it yours.)
But if you move a piece of trash, consider it yours.)
Everybody dies.
(This, my antidote to
Say 'thank you'; show
is fuel.
un-clinging to things.
distillation of William Blake's “Ride your cart & your plow
over the bones of the dead.”)
walk when you can run?
life is a balance of excesses.
can learn something from everyone.
a dog than a devil.
all decisions from your deathbed.
we are discontented, we will never change.