Friday, September 9, 2016

The honest irony (re-write) ...

{credits: "When the Leather is a Whip" by Martin Espada; Online flirter donated by Stephanie}

I was hard, once. So the best I could love
was hard. People felt tweaked when they hugged me.
I was loud and unrelenting, so my love was ugly.

She was a torn soul. So her affection was
sometimes terrible: “I hate you!” “No I love you! Intensely!”
Everything she felt, she spread immensely.

They were always drunk. So they got
more drunk together. He died at 51 in a car crash.
She sold all his things, and drank the cash.

When I was 12, I looked at this picture
Every night, of a woman in her pale underwear.
Touched myself, felt lightning there.

You might have asked me at 24, was that love?
And I'd have laughed you a “No-hh!!” But then again,
at 24, I was a pompous prick; I wouldn't have dated me then.

For my own, my ex's, my uncle's ghost's sake—
for all that I want to embrace and adore—I think I've decided to understand:
my love is only as good as I am.

My love is as good
as I am.