a counterpoint to loneliness:
You-you-you and me-me-me are
flaps running laps on a union lung.
I sneeze, and a glom of your eyes
channel toward my gums.
“Bless you,” bless me:
shame-trained so long
that being with feels
like being overcome.
What other parts of self
surprise me when they hit?
Sensations I feel drawn into
And tensions I resist,
Echoes of touch I hunger for
And aftertastes I spit.
If you-you-you keep
all these too,
where did loneliness sneak in?
On the flipsides: allergic fears
and cowering cradle-age memories—
throat locked-up and touch-numbed—
where distance becomes disease.
Someone else sneezes.
A pigeon's gray cape.
A flag's lapping tongue.
A breathy shuddering tree.
Everything, such us—us.
Spreading large on the universe's breath.
A glom of eyes go there, here, off,
But no pair goes alone—
All following noises,
Sniffing through noses
Each other:
Thusly and so...