Monday, October 1, 2012

A promise is a debt ...

“Once a boy believes a dream –
one itching hope – his shell is gone.”
“Then how,” a girl asks the moon,
“does he survive, thin pink, upon

that sharded lamp-light maze where
we call – waning, as dark as not –
'I'm this-and-that beyond,'
suspending sights that can't be caught?

He leaps; he falls – for our throats are black!”
“No@, dear. We shine in his head –
not tight-irised Full-Truths, but
wide-pupiled Soon-Truths. So instead

of leaving his husk to a cold night's
song, 'What if 'what-if''s will never be?',
we move his cut, sealing skin to weep:
'You're mostly dark; I like the part I see.'

Boys belong beyond their shells,
like seeds presently unopened –
innards bare-limbed, open-grinned,
ready to reach. @Feed them hope and

draw them out into the light
Where shadows cross (where dreams run free).
Draw him out, just as you are,
And let him see what he will see.”

1 comment:

  1. The "@" is a somewhat standard transcription symbol for laughter - for those who don't collect much qualitative data. Wasn't sure how else to get across that the moon was laughing reassuringly in her responses ... at least with a footnote, you know how to read it (chuckle the "o" out long, give the "f-" a huff and a smile).

    Thanks to Amanda (all souls), Krista (lobster tail) and Ciara (window boy - great blog! Check her out: for feeding the collage.
