Monday, December 7, 2015


{Image to come:}

I excite when my fork goes through
noodles, a few sliding up in between.
Against tension I twist. Sauces flick to my wrist
'round the prongs, off a ball of linguini.

At the push of my tongue, it squirts
clam juice–with lemon and pepper notes—while
out the press of my teeth, semolina strands leak
scent of wheat fields. Lord, makes me smile

to eat down a plate of linguini, then
to soak a white dinner roll gray
in its oils: the olives and shellfish and sweat
from that little bald chef singing over the steam,

Ho sputato nel piatto oggi!”

1 comment:

  1. NB: one of the most elegant aspects of food is that it convinces us for a time to stop talking.
