Saturday, December 12, 2015


silly, stupid,
Stumbling lovers –
hanging off of
one another,
walking up a ramp
… two smiling,
… … semi-standing,
… … … heft-beguiling
“Kids!! Could you please
stop clinging so much—is
your posture so tenuous?
D'you need crutches?”
“Old man! If we split up,” they chuckle,
“we could walk upright forever.
But we only seem to float
when we're tied up together.”


  1. “Porchview” illustrates the image of two young lovers, happy, giddy, and in love. They are walking together, limbs intertwined, and connected as one. Outsiders see this and show amusement and awe towards the young lovers, joking asking them to “stop clinging so much” and “D’you need crutches?” To which they respond “If we split up.. we could walk upright forever… But we only seem to float when we’re tied up together.” This poem explores the theme of young love. One’s first love is an exciting and enchanting feeling, something that is unexplainable and all consuming. The speaker eloquently captures the emotions felt by those experiencing love for the first time, the all consuming dependency on another human being for the first time. The lovers are described as being physically connected and “hanging off of one another”. Yet the speaker explains a much deeper connection the lovers have on an emotional level. The lovers explain how separate, they would be able to walk upright, however, together, they are figuratively floating and elated. The speaker beautifully captured the emotions felt by one in love. This poem resonated with me as I felt a sense happiness and elation while reading it, I feel that love is one of the only things that connects everyone in society, as it is one of the most rare emotion and is something cherished by everyone who feels it.

  2. This poem speaks to me in a few different ways, Firstly, when reading this, it makes me think about the importance of relationships in one’s life, whether it be romantic, as it seems to be in the poem, or whether it be purely platonic, they all have the power to help build one another up and help them through difficult times in their life or just to enjoy each other’s company. Particularly in youth, relationships are important, as the brain is forming and forming its own unique opinion and personality, and being around people who bring out the best in you can help that development along and help you become the person you want to be. In youth you’re meant to be figuring things out about yourself, and the role of friends is to create an environment where you can openly help each other along that process. What I also found in this poem is the disdain that many people hold for this process and the lack of understanding that they went through the exact same thing when they were younger. I feel like we don’t often see old men criticizing other elderly couples for being close together, but when they see a couple of younger people doing something similar, its seen as scandalous or not appropriate, but it's still an incredibly important experience for youths to have and to know that there is someone there for them. I have seen many people look down on kids and teens relationships as something that isn’t real simply because of their age, and it's a stigma that could potentially be very dangerous to their growth and development.
