Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cramped, quiet, powder-dusted cannonball ...

Hate to wait;
Hate being patient.
Does that mean I'm not?
Or just that I wait (too much) a lot?

     Hate to ache;
     Hate being stoic.
     Does this make me weak?
     Or does 'stoic' feel and then not speak?

               Hate to want:
               Hate being lonely.
               But before I had friends,
               I didn't miss them: lonelier? Depends.

                                        Hate to not:
                                        Hate unfulfilling.
                                        Am I wasting in this hate?
                                        Or might it fire me out – beyond my rusted weight?

1 comment:

  1. The image (as always) took me a lot longer than I expected: Added way more than I needed (faces, quotes, an expanding rollie-pollie bug) and in the end, went back to the original - a cannonball waiting in a cannon barrel.

    But it wasn't until I filtered & re-filtered enough to bring out the semblance of morning light glinting toward the end of the rifled barrel that the image reflected the poem in the way I meant it to.

    *(Still for my "dear unknown," if you like keeping track of who spurs which poems. But really, they're all for me, aren't they? Me, me, me! Put me in a battle, I need something beyond myself ... and this dusty, powdered barrel)
