I want to reach into the purple ink
of your old journals,
up through the gooey pen tip
biting the page, and say:
“You are amazing.
And surely don't know it—
But I can taste
Those words you were feeling,
I am breathing the heat off your tongue.
Say it again. How dad
Told you to 'Wear boy's clothes'
Because you were becoming, and he only saw young.
Say it again. How the
Beach is filled with boobs
And the night with music, soft lips, sweet unknowns.
Say it again. How being
Tears-on-knees by your burnt hopes
Became your warrior-paint, your love of self, your compass home.”
I could bla-bla-blah on a page
My second-hand awe, aching
At the imprint of a thousand heartbeats, stuffed between these pages.
But I'd rather crumple-and-toss all that,
Just whisper out into your eyes:
“You could have made
bombs from your pain—
but you made this.”
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