Be more cryptic about hanging out with me
why don't you...
how directly do I need to ask?
I'm not gonna assume you're inviting me,
especially after last night.
I was annoyed with you yes,
But you also left
I left because you didn't want me there -
I felt blamed and attacked and irritated.
Surprising I wouldn't want to keep feeling that way?
It's like you were just goading me:
Unclearly explaining your ideas
and then blaming me for misunderstanding
Maybe I should give you some space today -
you're clearly a little O.D.'d on me.
Leaving me alone doesn't fix things. They fester
If you want to be written off, that's a great way to achieve it
I am clearly fog-headed right now, yes?
And you're expressing irritation with my poor communication, yes?
So imagine how that's likely going to play out today, is all I'm saying
You put it on me AGAIN
Not “I'm still feeling I'll communicate badly.”
Or any other thing you could say that relates to You rather than me
You are a shit apologizer. Period. I meant what I said.
And I'd really like you to work on it
I’m just confirming back what you’re saying.
YOU are irritated. I have been communicating fine
with everyone else I’ve talked to.
You never take responsibility.
Also I was referring to your apology skills
not your general communication skills
I am happy to take responsibility.
I’m not happy to be barraged with intellectual challenges
interspersed with insults and criticisms
You melodramatically pontificate
That’s ^ much more useful to say
than calling me “Shitty” over and over
Don't put your self loathing on me
Don't put your "nobody wants me around" on me
I don't fucking deserve it
Im saying you use the descriptor “shitty” with me regularly
That’s fact, not projection
Whatever. Maybe you're shitty regularly
Why is that my fault
I put up with you
Regardless of how shitty I feel you're acting
I have told you, many times:
Saying that's not constructive. Not positive nor encouraging.
Just an uncritical, useless, hurtful insult
I don't always control my language
I don't know what to tell you about that. I say things.
I try to be constructive but sometimes
I'm too frustrated
And yet I’m held to the standard
of tight, accurate, controlled communication
You're a fool.
You say plenty that I'd rather you didn't.
“Shitty” “Fool” “Asshole”
in the last 5 minutes.
Yeah. I'm pissed off at you
Also I said 'maybe.'
Yes. And you’re being unkind.
And you think it’s okay
And it’s not.
How should I convey how I feel better
I don't think you set any example for me—
Although you clearly think so.
Just don’t call me disparaging names all the time,
and then hit me with “Don’t put your self loathing on me” -
you’re doing all the loathing.
Condescendingly telling me
"See how magnanimous I'm being right now rae?
Isn't this great? Unlike that time YOU ruined the wedding for me."
Fuck you. Just fuck you. Enjoy your life
Okay. You’re call.
This is why I wait for the invitation
Because you're a coward
I get it
Because I wouldn’t call you a coward.
No you'd just passive aggressively
insult me in other ways
I tell you directly what you do that bothers me.
Keep on lying to yourself.
It's gotten you far in life so far hasn't it?
You've had such great relationships with women
Keep blaming me!
Cuz I'm the common denominator, aren't I?
Please stop texting me.
what you’re writing is a lot of heavy put-down to take.
You think you communicate well. You don't.
That's why people consistently don't get you
even though you're relatively simple. Isn't that true?
I work really hard to understand you,
Unlike just about everyone else.
They look at surface-level josh. Whoopie.
Give me some credit for the consistent work I put in with you.
You don't.
I'm just an unkind monster who insults you all the time.
You look inside me, and then throw it in my face in an angry barrage.
Not pleasant, not kind.
You're wrong
What do I throw in your face
Read your texts.
This doesn't count as anything other than me being angry at you
It hurts like it counts
And you refuse to back down.
Refuse to apologize.
Refuse to be nice.
So it's gonna keep coming
until you do.
You know how to make it stop
You don't want to.
You'd rather be stubborn.
I want you to see exactly how far it's getting you with me
Once you give in, you note how my behavior changes.
But you keep standing the ground that upset me
and this is what happens:
I escalate.
Until you give in.
I give in too. Don't act like I don't.
And at the wedding I did actually give in.
You twisted the facts so you could feel
like you didn't ruin it for yourself
but it's false. You lied.
You lied last night to me,
blamed me, condescended to me,
and attacked me.
You never apologized.
You left.
So this is where that gets you.
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