Friday, May 24, 2024

What the fuck ...

What the fuck does “Love” mean to you,
             that you think I’d take it back tonight,
                                      if you and I don’t screw?

That you think you have to change your hair
                                             to be here, in my core;
                                  That you think I’ll love you less
                                                         if you weigh more?

That you think about hiding things
                  that you truly love from me?
                           Like I’ll only cherish you,
     if you bag-and-gag what I’d hate to see?

Oh my gawd, our mailman has such a pert ass!”
                                              You laugh with Noreen.
                   But won’t share that with me, because—?
  I believe that mine is the only sexy ass you’ve seen?

You think I only love you because
            you’re such an amazing fake?
An agent, whose honeypot daydream
is the closest to truth I can take?

I KNOW that you pick your nose sometimes!
                                 Smiled thinking of your ex!
                                  Left the room and farted!

               That it always takes you two tries
                                       to spell “calendar,”
And song lyrics? Don’t get me started.

                                 And I LOVE you, not at all like
                                            whoever you’re projecting—
                                                onto me—they're not me:
                                                some shadow rejecting
                     this piece, and that piece (like from a
                             Jenga tower) until you fall.

         I like you with all your pieces in:
                                  fulfilled and whole.

              Now, maybe that means that
                           you won’t start to lean.
     And you won’t need my hands there—
             So I can't be lazy or mean...

                              Then maybe loving you
                    will mean I need to work on ME.
                                    So that I’m a tower
         stable enough 
                  to be your 

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