Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MmmmhBum-bum ...

I was sitting in meditation
  When I heard my pulse like
 from the same place
      you'd hear a groan:
    Deep deep down, coming up,
  Making you think
  of a water pump –
   Bringing dark dark
       up to sun.


  1. No joke - started composing this in my head while I was sitting, meditating alone at the dojo one morning, hearing my pulse. ... Though I suppose, if I was puzzling out the starting words of a poem, I wasn't really as deep in meditation as I could have been :)

  2. Thanks for posting this! It really inspired me to look into typical forms of meditation (used in many eastern religions), and made me wonder if you have any experience with eastern religion or if you have dabbled in it at any point in your life? From what I found, the ultimate goal of meditation is to come to some sort of realization of knowledge, internal peace, etc through the absence of thought, however in this poem I feel like you came to a realization (or more of an awareness of self), through indirect self analysis. I think personally I prefer the method I saw in this poem because it allows the individual to find peace within, rather than finding peace by separating oneself from the world. I would be interested in your reasoning for the shape/structure of the poem as well! Great poem and good luck in future meditations!

    - Jeffrey R.

    1. I don't think any meditation is really meant to "separate" the self from the outside world - but I think that's a common misconception made by those whose minds are agitated (like alcoholics who have to STOP drinking completely because that's the only way they know not to inundate themselves).

      The goal of any meditation is to CONNECT with the world in a calm, non-agitated way. When they say "think of nothing. let go distractions. be empty" they mean "listen in your body instead of talking in your head. be here instead of everywhere you were or will be. notice in the silence what you could not in the noise, and let it come and go as it does ... add nothing, change nothing, ignore nothing. let all things be, become, and pass for a while."

      It is communion: getting to know yourself & the world around in the only real way one can ... by experience.

      The shape felt right, so I trusted it.
